About My-Lipo

My-Lipo is the latest body shaping system. It’s a new and natural way to control body shape using Light Therapy in conjunction with exercise.

My-Lipo uses LED light to help naturally slim, shape and tone areas including the waist, hips, thighs and upper arms. The heat and unique wavelength (635nm) of the light stimulates fat cells to release energy that is then easily metabolized. The process is similar to when your body enters the “fat burning” stage of a good cardiovascular workout. It also increases collagen and elastin in the skin while creating a slimmer appearance. It’s completely safe, painless and non-invasive.


My-Lipo consists of a 20 minute session, wearing 4-8 LED-light paddles directly placed on target areas. Depending on the area of the body receiving treatment, it is recommended that between 2 and 4 treatment pads are used at any one time over each treatment area. Treatments last for a period of up to 20 minutes and the recommended number of treatments in any course of My-Lipo is two per week, thus completing a full inch loss course over a 4 week period. Each treatment includes a 10 minute Vibration plate session, which is equivalent to an approximate 30 minute workout. Exercise is essential to create the demand for energy which can now be met by the temporarily released fat, completing the inch loss process. Continuous activity, along with a high protein & fiber diet, and water intake is recommended for best results.

Red-light Therapy sessions are recommended after each LIPO-light treatment, as well as in between visits for stimulation of collagen in the skins’ dermis layer. Collagen and elastin fibers will tighten & firm skin, which is an important part of body sculpting.


After a series of 8 sessions within 4 weeks, it is recommended to take a 2-week break from further treatments of the same target area. For stubborn areas, an additional series of 4-8 treatments may be re-worked after the 2-week break is completed.

During the break-cycle, other areas may be treated at that time.

REMEMBER: It is up to the client to resume a healthy lifestyle to include; diet, exercise, and water intake to maintain results of treated area.

An additional 2-4 treatments per month to same treatment area may help with maintenance or boosting additional results accompanied by exercise.

* Diet, exercise, and water in-take are crucial to inch-loss results. Results vary and are not guaranteed.